Almost a No-Sew Month

A photo of sand colored curtains with Adam standing in front.
It seems that all of my creative energy this March has been poured into #the100dayproject in the form of tiny watercolors. But I just managed to complete a project I’ve been wanting to do for a while (and should have done around October).
Denim curtains with Adam standing in front of them.
When I first put my studio together in the small bedroom in our house, I used denim to create a wall-to-wall curtain to cover the closet and dampen the sound. I love denim as room decor, but it made the room very dark. I’ve finally gotten around to switching the fabric to a sand color canvas and now the light bounces all around the room and makes me very happy.
A stack of 9 yards of folded denim showing both the front and back of the fabric.
Bonus: I now have 9 yards of washed and dried denim ready to go for all the projects I want to start on in April. I’m thinking buckets hats, shopping totes, quilted pillows . . . maybe even the Freemantle pants from Elbe Textiles?

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