My First Quilt Wasn’t

IMG_0002_2Okay, quilters, don’t laugh at me. Please. When I first tried quilting, I didn’t realize there was such a thing as batting.

We had just brought home two chairs with cushions in an awesome shade of olive green. They were perfect for the design of our house, but just a little too deep for me to sit in comfortably. A lumbar pillow was in order and why not make it quilted? I stopped in to Vogue to pick up a little inspiration and a few quarter yards of fabric. Back at the cutting table with my complimentary-to-olive fabrics and sketchbook opened to a doodle that I thought would make a great pillow design, I made my pillow. I was happy with the colors and shapes of the fabric and liked what the top stitching added to the design, but was a little deflated (what?) at how flat the texture was. Where’s the quiltieness? How do quilters get that cushy, thick, nubby soft feel that everyone loves about quilts? Maybe if I wash and dry it? Nothing doing.

And so began my education into quilting and now I know better: you need some cotton batting to make a quilt sandwich (thank you Erica Arndt), a little free motion quilting inspiration from the Midnight Quilt Show and you’re all set! And that’s why I’ve started this blog—I’ve learned so much from the generous sewists who post tutorials and patterns, sewing wins and fails, inspirations and frustrations that I wanted to add to that body of knowledge. So join me as I sew my way from project to project.

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